Chapter IX The Proud Cursive Script
Section I An Overview of Cursive Script
Cursive script in its broad sense refers to scratchy way of writing, and seal, clerical and regualar scripts can all be written in a scrachy way. In a strict calligraphical sense, it refers to a cursive clerical script (Õ²Ýin Chinese that reads zháng c¨£o) first and later to modern cursive (½ñ²Ýin Chinese that reads j¨©n c¨£o) and wild cursive scripts (¿ñ²Ýin Chinese that reads kuáng c¨£o). Modern cursive script is being used quite widely today; modern as it is, it has a history of almost 2,000 years already and evolved from clerical script, it was a quickly written clerical script or scratched clerical script, only that the way of scratching was formalized or stereotyped, some strokes like up pointing and right stretching strokes were eliminated and strokes were visibly connected. Wild cursive script is most unrestrained, so far only two masters have been considered as most successful in this script, they are Zhang Xu (ÕÅÐñ in Chinese that reads Zh¨¡ng Xù) and Huai Su (»³ËØ in Chinese that reads Huái Sù,725-785) of Tang Dynasty. They have been referred to as “Crazy Zhang and Wild Su”. The picture on the left is Zhang Xu's wild cursive script.
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The creator of modern cursive script was 

Zhang Zhi (ÕÅÖ¥ in Chinese that reads
zh¨¡ng Zh¨© ?-192) of Han Dynasty.
Unfortunately, there aren’t any authentic
pieces of Zhang Zhi left, only in the
¡¶Collections of Chunhua Pavillion¡·there
are five presumable piecesof his, the one
on the right is one of them.

By the time of Jin, Wang Xizhi brought cursive script to a new height, especially his ¡¶Models that Starts with Characters of Ten and SevenÊ®ÆßÌû¡·like the picture above and below have been most influential. What we see now is not the original, only prints. They were 27 letters Wang wrote to one of his friends in a time span of 14 years. There are 134 lines with 1,166 characters.

His son Wang Xianzhi and his grandson of the 7th generation Monk Zhiyong (ÖÇÓÀin Chinese that reads zhì y¨¯ng) all accomplished a great deal in cursive script.
Section II Festures of Cao Shu
1. Cursive clerical: “Zhang CaoÕ²ݔ, a quickly written clerical script, characters are flatened, there is still the tail of a wild goose.
2. Modern cursive clerical£¨½ñ²Ý£©: also know as “minor cursive script” £¨Ð¡²Ý£©which has dropped the wild goose tail, the structure becomes a vertical rectangle, and each character is connected with the next. It is fluent and smooth, simple and in motion. Modern cursive does not care about writing in rows, but in columns or vertical lines. It pays great attention to contrast between lines weights, sizes and density.
3. Wild cursive£¨¿ñ²Ý£©: also know as “greater cursive script” £¨´ó²Ý£©is much freer and less constrained, the whole piece is finished in one breath.