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Calligraphy 2010

Calligraphy in 2010
Editorial by “Calligraphy News”
Paraphrased by Beijing Budding Flower International Cultural
Promotions Co., Ltd.
Major Events
A Few Have Left Us
On January 29, 2010, famous poet, calligrapher, educator and social activist Liáng Pīyún (梁披云) passed away in Macau. He was born at Yǒngchūn County, Fújiàn Province in 1907. In October 1974, he launched off a journal in Hong Kong named “Calligraphy Spectrum” with the purpose of developing calligraphy and encouraging those who did good in calligraphy. The journal was distributed to the world. At that time, the mainland was undergoing the “Cultural Revolution”, so there was nothing similar in the mainland. So, the journal found its way into the mainland, and there were subscribers from mainland, which showed the love of calligraphy by our fellow countrymen and the fact that the torch of passing down our traditional culture was still being lightened. The journal and the “Grand Dictionary of Chinese Calligraphy”, of which Mr. Liáng was its Chief Compiler, made indelible contributions to the revival and prosperity of Chinese calligraphy in the 20th century.
Famous calligrapher Wèi Yǔpíng (魏宇平) passed away in Chóngqìng on March 3rd at the age of 94. He never accepted any students and never refused any request of his calligraphy. He wrote in his family motto: “Never place ourselves at too high a position and our personality at a lower range.”
On April 10, famous calligrapher and seal carver Gǔ Yǒuquán (谷有荃) passed away in Wǔhàn at the age of 83. Mr. Gǔ used to say, “The creativeness in calligraphy is based on a deep understanding of the essence of tradition. Calligraphers should raise their own level of appreciation, cultivation in art, absorb nutrition from other arts and enrich themselves.” Mr. Gǔ was good at all kinds of scripts, his seal and regular-cursive script are particularly know both home and abroad.
Showing Care to the Disaster-ridden Areas
On the evening of April 20, during the fund-raising special TV program, Shěn Péng (沈鹏), former Chairman of China Calligraphers Association, Zháng Hǎi (张海), Chairman of China Calligraphers Association each donated RMB 1.5 million to the earth-quake hit area Yùshù of Qīnghǎi, Ouyáng Zhōngshí donated RMB 0.5 million, Lǐ Duó RMB 300,000, Zháng Biāo and many others also made donations. After the land slide at Zhōuqǔ, the Association organized a calligraphy writing session, the income from selling the works completed at the session were donated to build a primary school at Zhōuqǔ.
Calligraphy Exchanges
On May the 4th, Premier Wēn Jiǎbǎo went to Beijing University to spend the May 4th Day with university students. One member of the Student Art and Calligraphy Society wrote one line of Wēn’s poem with a brush pen: “looking up at the star-lit sky”; Wēn also took up the brush and wrote in reply to this student: “Stand firmly on the ground.”
On May 31st, during his visit to Japan, Wēn held a symposium at the New Otani Hotel with famous Japanese personages in the cultural circle. At that occasion, he had a dialogue with Taizan Yanagida, representative of the 4th generation of the Yanagida calligraphy school, who said, “I think language has its soul, each Chinese character has its own soul, and calligraphy should express the soul…” “Well said,” Wēn commented, “culture is an exchange of souls. Languages are important tools in inheriting culture. Therefore, exchanges in languages and calligraphy are also exchanges of thoughts.”
The Heated Auction Market
At the night session of Beijing Poly Auction on June 3, “Inscription to the Mainstay” by Huáng Tíngjiān of Northern Song in bigger characters and in free-hand regular script was transacted at RMB 436.8 million, a new record for auction of calligraphy works.
On November 20, at the special session for the Qing Imperial Court artifacts of the autumn auction by China Guardian Auctions, a cursive script calligraphy sample in imitation of Wáng Xīzhī entitled Safety” was transacted at RMB 308 million, the sample has four lines with 41 characters, so each character worthies RMB 7.5 million, the highest ever for a single character in auction.
“Rules and Regulations for Auction of Cultural Relics and Artistic Article”, released by the Ministry of Commerce at the beginning of the year and came into effect on July 1, 2010 is the first trade norm for auction in over two decades since the resumption of the trade. It benchmarks in detail the procedures of auction, facilitates the protection of legal interests of involved parties.
Income from Calligraphy and Painting Must Be Claimed
Income from calligraphy and artistic painting, among other income such as lecturing, writing, consulting, review of draft writing and etc. must be claimed, so stipulated in the “Regulations on Reporting on Related Personal Matters by Leading Cadres” jointly promulgated by the General Offices of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on July 11, 2010.
Institute of Calligraphy and Seal Carving Founded by the State Art Academy
On August 31, the Institute of Calligraphy and Seal Carving was founded by the State Art Academy, the Honorary Chairman of the Calligrapher’s Association, Mr. Shěn Péng became its President; and at the same time, “Shěn Péng Calligraphy Art Foundation” was launched off from the ground.
Exhibition of Seal Carving Held at the World Expo
The Exhibition of the Best Pieces of Seal Carving sponsored by China Art Research Academy and organized by the academy’s seal carving branch was opened at the World Exposition on August 2, 2010. The captions of this six-unit exhibition were also in English. A video of the history of seal carving was on screen as well.
2010, the Year of Shā Mènghǎi
2010 was the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Shā Mènghǎi. A series of activities was organized by related departments of Zhéjiáng Province, which include publication of “Complete Works of Shā Mènghǎi”, a special exhibition of Shā’s works and an international forum named after him on the history of Chinese calligraphy.
New Leading Body
The 6th National Congress of Chinese Calligrapher’s Association was convened on December 27 in Beijing. A new council of 206 was elected, and the presidium of 15 was also elected. Zháng Hǎi was re-elected Chairman. A few young calligraphers entered into the leadership, among them, born in 1967, is the youngest.
Major Academic Activities
The First Forum on Famous Calligraphy Cities held in Sūzhōu June 30-July 1.
The 7th International Symposium on Education of Chinese Character Calligraphy held in Beijing June 28-30
2010 China Sūzhōu Lectures on the History of Calligraphy held July 17-20.
2010 Zhōngshān Calligraphy Forum held September 18 at Zhōngshān, Guǎngdóng Province.
2010 International Forum on Higher Education of Calligraphy held December 7-8 in Hángzhōu
Major Exhibitions
Best Pieces of 500 Contemporary Calligraphers held April 10 at China Character Museum, Anyáng, Hénān Province.
The 2nd Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Carving of the Western Regions held June 11 in Xīnjiāng Wēiwūér Autonomous Region.
The 8th National Character Carving Exhibition held July 3-10 at Shanghai Pudong Library.
The 1st National Seal Script Exhibition held July 23-30 at Guìyáng Gallery, Guìzhōu Province.
Works of Contemporary Free Hand Calligraphers held September 3-16 at China Gallery in Beijing.
The 3rd National Exhibition of Calligraphy on Fans held October 11-14 at Guánggǔ Gallery, Wǔhàn.
Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy held October 25-November 1 at the Berlin Cultural Center of UNESCO.

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