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Important Notice

Important Notice
The Lecture Group wishes to announce that as from May 18, 2010 the lecture program will take place at 7:30pm on every other Tuesdays instead of 3pm on Saturdays, and that the talk scheduled on May 18 will be “Chinese Ancient Musical Instruments and Pieces Played by Them” by Wang Ronghua. The lecture on June 1 is “Ten Master Pieces of Ancient Chinese Art” by Wang Ronghua. The lecture on June 15 will be “The Inner Cannon of the Yellow Emperor” by Dr. Lu Xiuli and the lecture on June 29 is “China’s Records” by Wang Ronghua. The admission to the lectures has now been lowered to RMB 50.
The Lecture Group
Beijing Budding Flower International Cultural Promotions Co., Ltd.

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