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IX The Poetry of Song

Even though Ci was popular in the Song Dynasty, poetry in both ancient and modern forms did not decline. In the eyes of the people at the time poetry was loftier than Ci. Many more poems than Ci have been handed down from the Song Dynasty. There are two collections of Song poetry. The first one has 78 volumes and includes 882 poets; the second includes 3,800 poets. The poetry of Song is a distinctive type in its own right. We shall comment on its characteristics at the end of this section.

The pioneers of Song poetry are Mei Yaochen (梅尧臣,1002-1060) and Su Shunqin (苏顺钦,1008-1048). Mei emphasized the tradition of 《The Book of Songs》 and 《The Songs of Chu》, he put forward a famous artistic criteria for
  A portrait of Mei Yaochen
poetry:  “ A scenery that is difficult to describe should be projected as if it is before your eye; what has not been said should be heard outside the words. 状难写之景如在目前, 含不尽之意见于言外.” Mei's poems are of a calm and light style. Let’s read his “东溪,Dong Xi, The East Brook”:
  行到东溪看水时,        Xing dao dong xi kan shui shi,
  坐临孤屿发船迟。        Zuo lin gu yu fa chuan chi.
  野凫眠岸有闲意,        Ye fu mian an you xian yi,
  老树着花无丑枝。        Lao shu zhao hua wu chou zhi.
  短短蒲薾齐似剪,        Duan duan pu er qi si jian,
  平平沙石净于筛。        Ping ping sha shi jing yu shai.
  情虽不厌住不得,        Qing sui bu yan zhu bu de,
  薄暮归来车马疲。        Bo mu gui lai che ma pi.

  When arrived at Dong Xi I looked at the water,
  Sitting opposite to the islet I asked the boat to return later.
  Leisurely the wild ducks were sleeping at the bank,
  No ugly branches on the old tree that was growing flowers.
  The short calami were so even as if being trimmed,
  Sand and stones were cleaner than those being sifted were.
  I hadn’t seen enough yet couldn’t spend the night there,
  I returned at dusk and the horses were tired.

The 3rd and 4th lines are well known, for they picture a lively spring scene by a quiet and pale stroke. Su Shunqin's poems are ebullient and untrammeled. Let’s read his “和《淮上遇便风》, In Reply to 《With a Tail Wind on Huai River》”:

  浩荡清淮共天流,      Hao dang qing huai gong tian liu,
  长风万里送归舟。      Chang feng wan li song gui zhou.
  应愁晚泊喧卑地,      Ying chou wan bo xuan bei di,
  吹入沧溟始自由。      Chui ru cang ming shi zi you.

  The clear and mighty Huai River flows into the sky,
  The long lasting wind almost pushes the return boat fly,
  I worry if tonight it is to be berthed in noises and humidity,
  If we were blown into the blue sea I’ll begin to feel free.

Mei and Su laid down the first bricks for the development of Song poetry; they contributed a lot in redressing the soft and decadent style of “Xi Kun Form” which was started in early Song by Yang Yi. Then, Ouyang Xiu (欧阳修,1007-1072) came
  A portrait of Ouyang Xiu
to the scene and became a leader in reforming literature and poetry. His “Liu Yi Shi Hua, A Talk on Poetry” was a new form of poetry criticism and very influential. His seven-character a line old form poems are particularly good. His lines are a bit prosaic, yet his style remains bold and unrestrained. There are many commentary remarks on politics in his poetry, but they can still be read with ease. He later became the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Defense. He accomplished much more in prose writing than poetry. Before we leave him, let’s read “别滁,Bie Chu, Departing from Chuzhou”:

  花光浓烂柳轻明,     Hua guang nong lan liu qing ming,
  酌酒花前送我行。     Zhuo jiu hua qian song wo xing.
  我亦且如常日醉,     Wo yi qie ru chang ri zui,
  莫教弦管作离声。     Mo jiao xian guan zuo li sheng.

  Flowers in full blossom and bright willow branches swaying,
  At the farewell party before flowers we are drinking.
  I should just get drunk like always,
  Parting music shouldn’t be played by pipes and string.

This parting poem was written with a light-hearted touch. With the efforts of the above mentioned three poets, the foundation of Song poetry was laid and its orientation set.
  A statute of Wang Anshi
Wang Anshi (王安石,1021-1086) was twice the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty. He initiated the well-known “Wang Anshi Political Reform.” He is also a prolific writer and poet. He composed more than 1, 500 poems. He admired Du Fu and Han Yu, was deeply influenced by Ouyang Xiu. Too many commentary remarks contained in his early poems made it difficult to read. His later poems are much better, especially short poems on scenery. I would like to cite his “泊船瓜洲,Bo Chuan Gua Zhou, To Berth the Boat at Guazhou”:

  京口瓜洲一水间,      Jing kou gua zhou yi shui jian,
  钟山只隔数重山。      Zhong shan zhi ge shu chong shan.
  春风又绿江南岸,      Chun feng you lu jiang nan an,
  明月何时照我还?      Ming yue he shi zhao wo huan?

  Jingkou and Guazhou are on the same river,
  Only several hills lie between the Bell Mount and the traveler.
  Spring wind has made the banks green again,
  When could the moon lighten up my return way I wonder?

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