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I am a descendant of Gao Yang, the ancient Emperor,Bo Yong is the name of my great grand father.In January when Jupiter was in the “She Ti” position,I was born on the day of “Geng Yin”.

According to my bearings when I was born,My great grandfather named me by way of divination.I was named “Zheng Ze”,And styled “Ling Jun”!

Though I have many values inside me,Still I have to acquire more ability.With sweetgrass and angelica on my shoulder,I also tied orchid together to wear.

I could never catch up with time, which flows quickly,I worried if the years could wait for me.I collect magnolia on the slopes in the morning,And “Su Mang”* grass by sandbars in the evening.“Su Many” is a fragrant grass which can be alive through the winter.

The sun and moon never stop their motion,Spring and autumn keep their rotation.Seeing that grass and wood may wither some day,I worry still more about the aging of a beauty.

Not discarding wickedness while he is in his prime,Why can’t the King adopt another position to assume?Gallop on a steed,I wish to be the vanguard!

The three kings of Chu were noble-minded,They therefore possessed many people of talent.All kinds of sweetgrass are put together,What was tied up wasn’t only angelica!

Yao and Shun, the Kings of Saint were so candid,On the right orbit, they found the way to run the state.Kings Chai and Zhou were fatuous and self-indulgent,Wishing to take a short cut only but ended in predicament.

Those who formed a clique are seeking pleasure,In political darkness the future is full of danger.How could I worry if myself may face disaster,What I do worry is the state may end in failure.

I hurried up my pace in working for the King,In order to follow up with the ancesters’ doing.Yet the King neglected my loyalty,He was in a rage and believed in calumny.

I knew my frank criticism would do me mischief,
I just don’t have the heart to give it up.
I point to the sky and ask it to testify,
It was indeed for the sake of the King that I’m so outright.

The King agreed with me on policy matter,
He later regretted and favored other idea.
Leaving the court I don’t feel embarrassed or terrible,
What made me sad is that the King is so changeable.

I have planted 18 hectors of autumn orchid,
Half a hector of cymbidium was also planted.
I planted sweetgrass on the ridges,
And some angelica for purpose of ornament.
I hope they can all flourish,
To gather them in at time of harvest is my wish.
It doesn’t matter if they become a bit withered,
My heart would ache if they all died and wasted!

The villains are greedy and try to secure their own gains,
They can never be satisfied with wealth and positions.
They are undisciplined with themselves yet overcritical with others,
They have evil intentions and are always jealous.

To pursue self interests in a hurry,
Isn’t something I worry.
The old age is approaching in a gradual fashion,
I am afraid I could not leave behind a good reputation.

I drink the dew dripping down from orchid in the morning,
And eat the petals fallen down from chrysanthemum in the evening.
As long as my feelings are nice and consistent,
I wouldn’t lament if I look haggard!

With the roots of orchid I tied up the angelica,
With sweetgrass I strung the fallen pistils together.
I straightened up sweetgrass to tie the cymbidium on,
And made cords from grass and let them droop down.

I have been learning from the wise men of the last generation,
Such idea is by no means common.
Even though it doesn’t accord with today’s mediocre man,
Still I shall follow the principle left over by Peng Xian*.

I sighed and wiped,
I feel sad that the road of human life is so difficult.
I am only addicted to cleanness and able to be self-disciplined,
In the morning I remonstrated and in the evening I was demoted.

I was deposed for putting on cymbidium as a wear,
And was further condemned for collecting angelica.
Yet I would stick to what I like,
Even if I die nine times I would never regret!

I resent that the King has been so dissolute,
He never attempted to know the heart of the common folk.
 Peng Xian: A virtuous man of the Chu Kingdom who always maintained his own principles and never went along with fashionable ideas.

A bunch of bad women are jealous of my good look,
They went so far as spreading the rumor that I was lewd.

Being opportunistic has been a fashion,
The norms are changed and the measures in distortion.
The ink marker is seeking curves way off the yardstick,
Making the authority happy has been the criterion.

I stood there feeling lost, disgruntled in depression,
I am the only one who was reduced to destitution.
I’d rather die in a sudden and let y soul go floating,
Than act ugly for the sake of a living.

Ever since old times,
Ospreys have never been mixed up with others.
Things round don’t tally with things square,
Two different inclinations can’t get along safe and fair.

Being humiliated and insulted by villains,
I am filled with grievance and try to control my feelings.
To keep one’s innocence and die for justice,
Is what was highly recommended by former Saints.
I regret for not checking the path carefully,
Looking far I shall return immediately.
While I am no lost for too long,
Turning the cart and go back to where I had begun.

Taking a rest after galloping on he hill,
Let he horse walk I untie the bridle.
I wish to go ahead, yet there would be more accusations,
I have to retire and tidy up my old gowns.

I tailored the lotus leaves to make a green jacket,
And folded and sewed the lotus flowers as my lower garment.
I don’t care if nobody understands me,
As long as my inner world is fragrant.

Let my tall hat raise high,
Let the ornaments I wear droop to the ground.
The inner fragrance is blended with outer sheen,
Only my above-board qualities still remain.

Suddenly I looked back and far into the distance,
And decided to explore truth from all sides.
The ornaments I wear are so colorful and rich,
They send out fragrance strong and fresh.

The liking of people differs from one to one,
What I like and my habit are to be spick-and-span.
It wouldn’t change even if my body was dismembered,
My mind wouldn’t change even if I was punished!

My elder sister Xu sighs while panting,
And gives me repeatedly a scolding.
She says, “Gun* never thought of himself and was outspoken,
He thus died young in the wilds of Yushan Mountain.

“Why are you so fond of cleanness and so outspoken,
How come only you have so much nice ornamentation?
The room was full of newly cut grass and hemp,
You didn’t even wish to try them on and left.

“One cannot call on homes to persuade people change their doing,
Who could see and understand my feeling?
People are busy with forming cliques for private gains,
 Gun: a minister of King Yao and the father of King Yu.
Why don’t you listen to me and still keep your independence?”

“I take the sages of past generations as a yardstick,
And doing so was full of grievance; I ended up with such a hardship.
Having crossed Rivers Yuan and Xiang, I’ll go further south,
So before the soul of Chong Hua* I can present my thoughts.

“Qi, the King of Xia composed the music of Nine Arguments and                    
 Nine Songs,
Since then people’s motive of seeking joy became ever strong.
Because of short-sightedness and lack of account of difficulty,
There came internal dissension among the five sons of Qi.

“Yi** was given to ramble and hunting,
Shooting big wild fox was his liking.
He came to no good end and was muddle-headed politically,
What’s more, Han Zhuo took over his wife and family.

“Ao, son of Han Zhuo used to wear heavy armor,
He could not control himself from excessive carnal desire.
Every day he sought sensual pleasure and nothing else,
 Name of King Shun.  ** Yi was said to be the King of You Qiong State.
His head was finally chopped off by others.

“King Jie of Xia went against the right road,
His state was wiped out and him was killed.
King Zhou of Yin chopped human body into pieces,
So his ancesters’ temple couldn’t continue in existence.

“Kings Tang and Yu were prudent and decent in behavior,
Kings Wen and Wu of Zhou upheld justice without error.
They recommended men of integrity and used talents,
And abode by law without bias.

“The heaven has no self inclination and is impartial,
It helps those who are supported by people.
Only on man of wisdom and high virtue,
A territory is bestowed.

“Looking with care ahead and back,
Reviewing the policy of governing subjects.
Which king who is not righteous could maintain his rule?
Would the heart of people turn to a king who is cruel?

“Even I was put at the brink of death,
I would not regret for my original will.
The behavior like putting a square peg into a round hole,
Caused that the bodies of virtuous men were minced years ago.”

I feel so disgruntled and lament again and again,
I am sad that the times I live in isn’t opportune.
I rode on the phoenix and drove up the four white dragons,
Amid the suddenly rolling dust I slowly ascended.

I started out in the morning from Mount Cang Wu,
At dusk I arrived at Mount Kun Lun’s Xian Pu.
I intended to stay a while at the swamp where the deities met,
Yet, the sun was going to set.

I asked Xi He* to slow down and not to rush,
I looked at Mount Yan Zi** and not to hurriedly approach.
The road is far and long,
I would explore up and down.

I let my horse drink at Xianchi Pond where the sun bathes everyday,
*  Xi He is the one who drives cart for the sun in Chinese legend.
** Yan Zi is where the sun sets in Chinese legend.
And tied the bridles onto the Fusang* tree.
I broke off branches from Ruomu** to shade from sun glare,
And let myself leisurely wander.

Let Wang Shu, the driver of the moon, to open up the road for me,
And Fei Lian, he Wind Deity, follow closely.
Let the male phoenix serve as guard in front,
And the Master of Thunder advises me of things to be equipped.

I ordered the phoenix to ascend to more height,
And not to stop day and night.
An air mass was tightly gathering,
The whirlwind was leading rosy clouds and rainbows in greeting.

They sometimes parted or gathered in great disorder,
Some of them were up, some down, all in rich color.
I asked the guard of the Heavenly Emperor to open the gate,
Leaning on the gate and looking at me, he pretended to be a deaf-          mute.

It was getting dark and the daytime was over,
*  A tree grows at where the sun rises in the Chinese legend.
** A tree grows at where the sun sets in the Chinese legend.
I tied orchid on me and for a long time I stood there.
The manners of the time was so foul,
It was full of jealousy and denied nice virtue.

In the morning I would cross the White Waters,
Then climb up to Lang Feng to tie up my horse.
I suddenly looked back and broke into tears,
I lamented high up here no one could share my aspirations.

I toured hurriedly the Palace of Price in the east,
And broke off branches from jade tree to add on to my ornament.
While the flowers are still fresh,
I’d better look for a girl who would accept my presents.

I ordered Feng Long, the Deity of Clouds, to drive up the clouds,
To locate Fu Fei, the Deity of River Luo, and find out where she is.
I untied my belt to show my willingness for a relation,
And struck bells and drums to express my emotion.

The matchmaker went to her and back repeatedly,
He suddenly realized she was too stubborn and refused to love me.
She went to a place called Qiong Shi to stay for the night,
In the morning she came to River Weipan to wash her hair and head.

Her beauty made her arrogant,
She indulged herself in pleasure and conducted willful act.
Even though she was beautiful but had no manners,
I had to forget her and look for others.

I went to the farthest points of the four sides to inspect,
After touring the sky for a round I landed.
Looking from afar at the jade platform which stood high and firmly,
I saw the beautiful girl of the Song family.

I asked Zhen Niao* to be my match maker,
Yet it said she was not good to be my lover.
While crying loud the male bird flew into remoteness,
I detested it for being so frivolous.

I was indecisive and hesitant,
I wanted to go myself, yet fearing it wasn’t a proper act.
The phoenix had agreed to send her the betrothal gift for me,
But I worried Gao Xin might have sent his already.
 Zhen Niao: A legendary bird with poisonous feathers.
I wanted to live at a farther place, yet it was hard there to settle,
So I just wandered around without any control.
This was the time when Shao Kang hadn’t formed a family,
With two girls of Yao family in the Youyu clan he would marry.

The matchmakers were clumsy in giving good reasons,
I feared they couldn’t put my words across.
The foul manners of the time despised man of wisdom and ability,
Concealed nice virtue and stood for quilty.

The rooms of the girls were too deep to approach,
The wise king didn’t fully awake and was not able to reach.
How could I put up with such surroundings?
In which I couldn’t express my feelings!

Bringing together grass and pieces of bamboo,
I asked Lingfen, the sorcerer to divine and tell me what to do.
Such words were found, “Two beauties will come together,
Isn’t there anything nice, which can not find a lover?

Do think that the land is so vastly boundless,
Isn’t here the only place where a beauty lives?
And “Go farther away without any doubt,
Those looking for handsome man wouldn’t let you slip.

“Everywhere there are grass of fragrant smell,
Why do you stick to your home soil?
In the dark manners of the time people are full of puzzle,
Who can single out us who can tell good from evil?

“The like and dislikes of people maybe different,
Yet the likes of those formed cliques for themselves are odd.
People of every house tie grass at their waist,
But they say orchid can not be used as an ornament.

“In viewing grass and wood they can’t tell which is fragrant,
How could their evaluation of jade be proper and accurate?
They filled dirty soil into the small silk bag,
Yet they say the sweetgrass in not fragrant.”

I intended to follow Lingfen’s nice divination,
But I was reluctant and full of hesitation.
The ancient sorcerer deity would descend at dusk,
Bringing sweetgrass and rice I was going to greet.
A hundred heavenly deities all descending like a bid sunshade,
The deity of Jiuyi Mount also came to greet.
The power of the deities were made felt in a splendor,
The sorcerer deity told me past nice things done by our pioneer.

He said, “Do explore down to the earth and up to the heaven,
For man with the same virtuous criterion.
Tang and Yu only used those share the same goal with them,
So Zhi and Gao Yao* coordinated with them to the extreme.

“If you do like people of wisdom and talent,
It is not necessary to use anyone as an intermediate.
Fu Yue** once built a wall under a rock,
Yet Wu Ding*** used him without any doubt.

“Lu Wang was originally a butcher,
But King Wen of Zhou used him as a trusted minister.
Ning Qi was a pedler selling things through singing,
Yet King Huan Gong of Qi asked him to help his ruling.

 Zhi, Prime Minister of Tang; Gao Yao, Prime Minister of Yu. ** Fu Yue: Prime Minister of
King Gao Zong of Yin. *** Wu Ding: King Gao Zong of Yin.

“Forge ahead while you are not really old,
When there is still time on your hand.
Do fear that cuckoo will cry out first,
And the fragrance of all grass might be lost.”

Beautiful are the curves of my jade pedant,
But people try to come over and conceal it.
Those formed a clique for themselves have no sincerity,
I fear they may destroy it out of jealousy.

In such times of disorder things are changing,
How could I stay here long and lingering?
Orchid has lost its fragrant smell and taste,
The cymbidium land has become a coarse cogon tract.

How come the sweetgrass of yesterday,
Has been reduced into dreary and dry foliage of today?
Would there been any other reason,
Than the lacking of the wish to be clean and the efforts to garden?

I thought the orchid was reliable,
Yet it bears no fruits and only the outside is beautiful.
Discarding fine quality it follows vulgarity,
And it is improperly listed in the rank of beauty.

The sweetgrass has become toady and arrogant,
The deciduous leaves are trying to get into the silk bag.
Even though they do everything for their gains,
They can never give out fragrance!

Customs and habits do drift with tide,
Nothing would remain unchanged.
Sweetgrass and orchid are such examples,
Let alone other kinds of grass.

Only my jade pendant is most precious,
Its beautiful quality has stood so many tests.
Its fragrant smell never decreases,
Until now it never weakens.

Adjusting the jade and bell I wear for pleasure,
Looking for a nice girl, let me just wander.
While my wearing are so refreshingly colorful,
I just to up and down and explore.
Lingfen had told me about the good divination.
I shall choose a nice day to set out for my destination.
Taking branches from jade trees as meat,
Pounding jade powder to make food.

Dragons are flying up for me to ride,
My vehicle is made of ivory and jade.
Those who don’t share the same goal can’t be together,
To keep me away from them I shall go alone and farther.

I switched towards Mount Kun Lun,
The road is long and full of twist and turn.
Holding up the cloud as a banner to give sunshades,
The shaking of vehicle bells sounds like the chirping of phoenix.

I set out from the ferry of the Heavenly River in the morning,
And arrived at the farthest west in the evening.
The stretched wings of phoenix joined with clouds,
They fly so high in solemn and good orders.

I suddenly came to a place of drifting sand,
Walking along he banks of the Red River I hesitate.
I commanded the dragons to build a bridge,
And asked the Western Heavenly Emperor to give me a passage.

The road is long and full of hardship and risk,
I asked other vehicles to take a shortcut and wait for me ahead.
I asked them to turn left after passing the Buzhou Mountain,
Pointing at the West Sea we decided the time of meeting.

Rallying thousands of vehicles in order,
Lining up the hubs and galloped out together.
The eight long dragons I drive wind through the sky,
The banner-like clouds flutter, scatter, mass and fly.

I tried to control my feelings and slowed down,
My thoughts were in a flight for long.
Play the music of “Nine Songs” and start the dance of “shao”,
Let me seize this opportunity to be delightful.

The brilliant spirit of my ancestors is appearing,
I suddenly see my hometown Yan Ying.
My servants burst into tears and the horse is sobbing,
Looking back they stop from going.

I shall thus end my poetry:
Let it be!
In the state there is no one understands me,
Why do I must miss my country?
Since I can pursue the ideal politics with nobody,
I shall just go and join Peng Xian in eternity!


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